Leaf River Ag Bagged Feed
Made and Bagged Fresh
- Poultry Scratch Grains
- 16% Layer Feed
- 16% Goat Feed
- Texturized Sheep Feed
- Distillers Grains
- Hi-Protein Soybean Meal
- Whole Corn
- Cracked Corn
- Whole Oats
- 16% Calf Grower
- 18% Calf Grower
- Ground Swine Feed

Crystalyx Lick Tubs

Certified Purina Dealer
- Bagged Purina Products
- Livestock Lick Tubs and Blocks
- Bulk Feed Ingredients

Visit Purina Feeds for more info
Certified Hubbard Feeds Dealer
- Various Hubbard Bagged Feeds
- Calf Milk Replacer
- Lamb Milk Replacer
- Crystalyx Lick Tubs

Visit Hubbard Feeds for more info
Show Livestock Feeds
- Select Texturized Leaf River Ag Bagged Feeds
Calf, Goat, Lamb - Select Leaf River Ag Ground Bagged Feed
Poultry, Swine - Purina High Octane line-up

Visit Purina Show Feed for more info
- Show-Rite Show Feeds and Supplements
- Honor Chow Feeds
- Other additives and supplements

Visit ShowRite for more info

Show-Rite Show Solutions Monthly Newsletter
Sbow-Rite Show Solutions Newsletters are written by show industry experts and cover a wide range of topics and advice that you may find helpful when taking on the sometimes challenging task of feeding your showstock! Leaf River Ag Service will now keep a link right here so that you can access these monthly newsletters right from our website!

April 2020 Show Solutions:
I suggest always having a radio playing quietly in your barn; I, for one, always use
this time to introduce the animals to the sounds of Dolly, early 2000s country and some “Jesus jams.”
-Chastin Legett
Read about the importance of proper feeding, water, shelter, and more by clicking here.
Here are some Blog Posts by Hubbard Feeds from the past months that are full of useful information:
March 2023: Improving Piglet Performance with Polyphenols
February 2023: Mitigating Young Calf Stressors
January 2023: Assessing the 2022 Corn Silage Quality
Retail Products
Other Helpful Links
- Animal Health and Wellness Products
- Pails, Pans, Buckets, Scoops
- Dairy Supplies and Supplement
- Antibiotics, Vet Wrap, etc.
- Fly Spray and Insect Control
- Livestock Wormer and Pour-ons

Visit Quality Liquid Feeds for more info
Zoo and Exotic Feeds
Leaf River Ag Service is proud to supply organizations such as Chahinkapa Zoo, Safari North, and other exotic attractions and farms. We can order in a variety of feeds from monkey biscuits to crocodile diets and anything in between through our partnership with Mazuri Exotic Animal Nutrition. While we can get just about anything, a few things we order reguarly are:
- Capuchin primate diet
- Crocodilian diet
- Leaf eater mini biscuits
- Exotic game bird breeder and maintenance
- Flamingo
- Timothy Rabbit
- Monkey jumbo biscuits
- Rodent 6F and rodent chow
- Wallaby and kangaroo
- Wild herbivore Hi-Fiber
To learn more about what we offer, as well as the establishments we partner with, check out the links below: